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Onshape Homework5 << Previous Next >> Experience8

Onshape Assessment5

5-3-Assessment .pdf

5-3-Assessment (Answers).pdf

1. Which four views are included in the “Four View Layout” in Onshape ( 在Onshape的 “ 四視圖佈局 ” 中包含哪四個視圖 ) ?

Front, Top, Right, Isometric ( 前視圖、上視圖、右側視圖、等角視圖 ) .

2. What is the difference between a Dimension and a tolerance ( 尺寸和公差有什麼區別 ) ?

The dimension is the nominal (“perfect”) measurement of our geometry, whereas the tolerance is the acceptable variation of our geometry allowed during manufacturing ( 尺寸是我們幾何形狀的標稱(“完美”)測量值,而公差是製造過程中允許的幾何形狀的可接受變化 ) .

3. Name & Describe the following Dimension/Tolerance types ( 描述以下尺寸/公差類型 ) :

a. Deviation ( 偏差 ) - This communicates the allowable + / - deviation from the nominal dimension ( 允許 + / - 偏離標稱尺寸).

b. Limits ( 限制 ) - This communicates the allowable limits of the dimension ( 尺寸的允許限制 ) ( the nominal is not shown  ( 標稱未顯示 ) ) .

c. Basic ( 基本 ) - This has no tolerance, and therefore may only be used when GD&T is utilized to define the tolerance range ( 沒有公差,因此只能在使用 GD&T 時來定義公差範圍 ) .

4. What is the real-world implication of changing a standard dimension on an engineering print from “ 1.750 ” to “ 1.75 ” ( 將工程印刷品的標準尺寸從 “ 1.750 ” 改為 “ 1.75 ” 的現實含義是什麼 )?

It means that we are changing the tolerance to a “ looser ” one ( wider allowable range ) as defined by the tolerance block in the drawing format ( 將容差改為 “ 寬鬆 ”( 更寬的允許範圍 )由圖形格式的公差塊定義 ) .

5. Do Onshape drawing views update automatically ( Onshape 繪圖視圖會自動更新嗎 )? Why or why not?

No they do not, as this gives the designer control whether they want the drawing to
reflect the latest design or not. It is a form of revision control, since Onshape does not
have (or need) a formal PDM system. (設計師控制他們是否想要繪圖反映最新的設計與否。這是一種修訂控制形式,因為Onshape沒有擁有(或需要)正式的PDM系統 )

Onshape Homework5 << Previous Next >> Experience8